Friday, June 21, 2013

Get Wise

T.R.U.T.H is a spiritual agency situated in a territory known as, His Kingdom Come, Heaven, Heavens 00707

The head of this agency is Good. Good is not only good, Good is GREAT! Good is GREAT, because Good has created every single atom and every single molecule in the entire cosmos!!!!

Good has many messages and Good has many messengers.

One of his messengers is Wendall Wise. Wise is actually one of Good’s secret agents. He uncovers many plots that are designed to take down Good. His number is a secret.

Wise has a partner in espionage, her name, Agent 77. She is beautiful, clever and quick to help Wise as they spy out the land for Good.

Wise drives a 777-Lovepower, supernaturally charged V7 Pure White Wilderness GX. It can reach celestial speeds in a blink of an eye!

Wise also has many gadgets that he uses to save the day with.

He has a belt that exposes every evil plot, and that’s the truth!

He has a vest that protects him from missiles that come at him from the left and right.

He has shoes that give him peace when he finds himself and Agent 77 in missions that are impossible, and this peace comes one step at a time.

When worse comes to worse, he has a cap that tells him, in the form of a still small voice, what to do and when to do it. Good placed the still small voice there, and like Good, it knows all things. When the still small voice gives Wise peace, he is all thumbs when he tries to text Agent 77. His thumbs seem to get in the way of his thinking, and when that happens the peace sometimes gets lost, but still it all seems to work out for them in the end.

Wise is somewhat clumsy & seemingly dim-witted at times which makes his foes think he is easy prey, but he is far from easy prey, in fact, Good chose him for that very reason, so that the enemy would be confounded by all the surprisingly miraculous outcomes!

You see, Wise inside, is as bold as a lion; cunning as a fox, harmless as a dove.

He was hired to fight the Good fight and that’s just what he does.

Now I will tell you about Serpent, Good’s enemy, in fact he is Heaven’s enemy #1. He heads a worldly agency known as L.I.E.S. L.I.E.S. stands for Liars in Eternal State.

This corrupt agency is immoral in all ways. It was formed long, long, long, long, long ago in an eternal black hole in the approximate year, 00000000000000bc. Serpent is an unruly ruler that opposes all that is Good’s, in fact, he wants to take over Good and all Good has; he wants to foil all of Good’s messages and destroy all of Good's messengers. Serpent has many clever devices and disguises he uses to tempt them with, lure them with, destroy them.....but he really is no match for Wise, Agent 77 and all the other messengers that work for Good.

You see, Serpent knows he just has so much time to accomplish his schemes and then it will be all over for him and his militia, but until that day comes, he tries to take all he can from Good by stealing, killing and destroying.

Good is Great and could stop Serpent with his little finger, but doesn't, so it seems.  This is a secret, even to secret agents Wise and Agent 77 for now.....


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Line Drawn in the Sand

Line Drawn in the Sand

A very, very long time ago, a line was drawn in the sand…the line was drawn by the finger of  God. 

To this very day, that same line is drawn in the sand, but it is invisible to many souls, it’s invisible because they have so many other things to look at each and every day in the world, and the things they look at each and every day in the world are hardly ever as they appear.

The line separates two very different separates the world of good and the world of evil, there is no middle ground.

Fade in to the Son.....

The Father sent His Son into the world because He loves the souls in the world and He wants  them to see the reality of the two sides.  The Son looks on as the two armies fight to gain the souls of men. 

Humanity stands at the crossroad and every soul must choose a side before it’s all said and done. They must choose a side before they meet their Maker, the Father Who sent them the Son, if they choose the side of the Son, they will be given eternal life. 

On the left side of Humanity, their worldly eyes see an army of angels strong and great in number.  It looks like the side to join, because it looks like the side that will win. 

On the right side of Humanity, their worldly eyes see an army of angels that look weak and small in number.  It does not look like the side to join, because it looks like the side that will lose.
Humanity's vision has been distorted by worldly things...........

Fade back to the Son.....The Son knows Humanity needs to see things as they really are at least once....they need to see the Truth so they will choose His side, so He cries out, ‘Father shine your light so they can see the good.”

A loud voice rings back from the heavens.

“So be it, Son,”

In a flash, the Father gives Humanity a glimpse of what is truly on each side.  His light reveals a very different scenario on the battlefield then what their worldly eyes saw, and they see what is real and what is not real for a moment in time, and that moment of revelation is given to all souls at least once, it is the good news.  It is in God’s light that they can now see;

The side that looked strong is actually weak and filled with dark angels that are being strung along by the evil one and the weapons he has equipped them with is a lie.  They stand in the valley of the shadow of death.  The side that looked weak is strong and actually filled with angels of light and they are being led by the Bright Son and the weapons He has equipped them with is the Truth.  They stand on higher ground, and instead of being lower in number, there are actually three times more of them!  The Bright Son has command over the land and sky and suddenly makes the earth quake beneath the feet of the dark angels and they become unstable.  He sends a fiery rain down upon the dark angels and there is utter chaos.  They start shoving and pushing each other around in order to flee the light.

Suddenly, the Father’s light is gone and the scene is as it was before.  The souls have been shown what is real and what is not real.  It has been revealed to them that everything they had ever been taught by the world or seen in the world has been a lie, now they must decide what to do with the Truth they have been given...they have to choose a side based on the light.

Because of the good news they have been shown, you would think they would all choose the Bright Son's side, but not many of them do.  Many of them can’t get pass the miasma the evil one has put in front of them, so they continue on as if they never saw a thing.  The miasma that the evil one uses to deceive them is riches, power, appearances and celebrity, to name a few things, and because of these things, they continue on loving and believing a lie. 

Because of the good news they have been shown, some do choose to live life on the side of the Bright Son, and that very act of choosing Him gives them insight into the good news all the days they walk in the land of the living, and then forevermore.  They continue to see what is real and continue on loving and believing in the power of the Son and are never again deceived into loving and believing a lie.
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God 1 John 5:4-5