Fade in to a tree farm.
Tree looks down at chipmunk
The snow has been falling for a while now. It won’t be long and the search will
begin. I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve
been told that, I’m the cream of the crop this year, so it’s been nice
knowing you, but I’ve got a feeling my days here on God’s green earth are about
to come to an end.
Tree looks up to God
I can’t complain Lord, breathing in that fresh clean air and
reaching deep into the rich soil of yours has been great. I do have a question for you though. I’ve heard that some of those humans don’t
believe in you, what’s up with that? Do
they think that all this just happened, bang and it’s here?
There are some that think that, tree.
That is inconceivable to me.
Quite inconceivable really to all of us out here that know for a fact
that you’re the one that sent the springs into the valleys and those springs
run among the hills. Every animal and
all of the birds have enough sense to know that they get their food and water
from you, Creator of heaven and earth. All
the birds are constantly singing songs among our branches about how good You
are at taking care of them each and every single day. Can’t those humans hear them singing?
We all have to go some time, at least I’ll get to celebrate the
birthday of Your beloved Son, Who You sent to die for those humans, to die upon
a tree! If they would just believe in
Him, they would not perish, but have everlasting life.
At least I won’t be chopped down to make room for a shopping mall
or something that involves, you know, mammon.
I do hope I get picked by a family that knows the real meaning of
Christmas though; a family that will celebrate Jesus. A family that realizes that the lights they
will put on me represents your truth, and that the ornaments they hang on my
branches express your amazing grace, and when they open every present
underneath me they’ll remember your gift
of life to them. If a family like that
picks me, I will be happy to go. I want
what I do before I leave this earth to glorify you Lord!
Why, here comes a family now.
The little one is running towards me with a big smile on his face. He’s
pointing right at me.
Fade in to living room where tree is
Little boy to mom
“Look mom, this tree is perfect.”
Mom to boy
“Yes, Seth, it’s quite majestic.”
Tree to lady
“Thanks lady.”
Later that day in the familys’ den…
Tree to God
I hope they don’t forget to water me; I’ll
last longer.
They have a piano,
that’s always a good sign. Maybe they
will sing about you Lord, like the birds do.
I saw little angel figurines here they’re about to put on me, surely
they believe in angels.
God to tree
Some humans collect
angels, but they have no idea what angels do, because they don’t read my word.
Tree to God
They should definitely read your word. Some of these humans can live some pretty
artificial lives, kind of like those artificial trees, can’t they Lord? Those fake trees look like the real thing,
but they have no life.
Later that evening
Tree to God
Well, I’m all decorated now. And I’ve got to say, a lot of things are
looking promising. I have a lot of
crocheted crosses and paper angels on my branches, and the mom has headed for
the piano. Now comes the moment of truth.
Family sings......Oh Little Town of Bethlehem….
Tree to God
Lord, that’s where Jesus
was born!
Family sings......Away in a manger….
Tree to God
That’s where Jesus first slept! You knew all along they believed on Jesus,
didn’t you God?
God to tree
Yes, I did.
Tree to God
It is true, there’s no place like home where those that love You live, but God, there’s really no place like home for a tree like the great outdoors.
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