'Twas the night before Christmas 2
And all creation was stirring…..especially
the mice
The believing ones had cast all their care
In hopes that Christ would soon be there
All God's children were nestled all snug in His grace
As visions and dreams they inwardly embraced
Then all of a sudden they heard a great sound
The sound of a trump and then light all around
A bright flash of light on the earth did rest
It came from the east and shined to the west
And they knew in that moment, in that very twinkling
That Christ the Lord had come for them
Then as dry leaves before a wild hurricane fly
They began to rise up....mount to the sky
They had believed and were flying to heaven
While the ones that didn’t were still busy asking
Where is the promise of his coming?
For all things continue as from the beginning
In those days, all the world was to be
And the tyrant also wanted to stop Christmas
And the tyrant also wanted to stop Christmas
And the world had gone after him in that
For they listened intently when he demanded
That they
not speak in that Name Christ
But now their hearts were fearful as
They saw terrible things happen
But the wise men hadn’t listened
For on earth they did call on that Name
And then were called sons and daughters
Their spirits rejoiced in God their Savior
And they presented to Him gifts
Gifts they had been given
Freely they had received
Freely they had given
They had followed the light
To the lowly babe
To the bundle of God's love
The love that led them to others
To the hungry, to the thirsty
To the weary and the worn
The first Christmas, there was no room for Him
in the inn.
The second Christmas some had prepared Him room
Room in their hearts
inspired by; Matthew 25; Luke 1-3 2 Peter 3:4 2
Corinthians 5:16 Luke 1:31 Luke 1: [35] Luke 1:47 John
15:5 Luke 1:42 Matthew 2; 5; 25 Acts 1:11 Matthew 24:27
2 Thessalonians 1:10
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