Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mistletoe Café
A Christmas drama...
 Fade in.....

The café is filled with the aroma of turkey roasting in the oven.  Jelly jars filled with small white candles cast a warm flow.  No one else is in the place except Mistletoe, until the stranger drops in.....the stranger is a rich man.

“What brings you in? Haven’t seen the likes of you for a mighty long time?”

Rich man
The likes of me?  Don’t know what you mean by that exactly, but my Rolls Royce just ran off the road right outside your place.  By the way, what is that delightful smell?  Why, I haven’t smelled anything like that for a very long time.
Oh, I've got a turkey roasting in the oven, stuffed with savory chestnut dressing, and then all the fixins’, you know.
Rich man
I know, or at least used to know.  Do you have candied sweet potatoes and homemade pumpkin pie too!
Yes, I do! I cook up a big meal like this every Christmas Eve to share with the folks.
Rich Man
What folks?  It’s freezing out there, and the roads are quite slick. I don’t think anyone will be venturing out tonight, even though that food does smell delightful.
The wayfaring souls will be here, they’re hungry and I've prepared food for them.  You know, we must always be ready to entertain the lonely….
Just as the words left her lips, a mighty wind pushed the door open and when it did, the evergreen wreath fell to the floor,and the big silver bell attached to it rang out. Mistletoe walked over and hung the wreath back up.
You’re right it is cold and dark out there.....I don't like it when it's cold and dark.
Rich man
Nor do I.
Mistletoe looks out the window.
The lonely ones will be here soon I reckon.
Rich Man
Well, I’m a lonely one and I'm here now, do you suppose there’s enough food for me?
Yes and plenty for the others.  You know, I'm always prepared for mass giving too.
Rich man
Mass giving? What a peculiar phrase.  You know, I have mass things.  I never lack anything, like food, or drink, or clothes.  I have plenty of silver and plenty of gold, but I feel like I lack many things.
Mistletow holds up one of her fingers
You can be sure of one thing....One SOUL IS worth more than a world of things!
Rich man
Umm, never thought of it like that before.
Now how about a cup of my spiced tea, it’ll warm you right up!
The rich man takes the cup.
Rich man
It smells divine.....
As they sip hot tea together in one of the booths, they look outside at the wintery, white scene.  The snow is falling and the wind is blustery, and then they see them.  They see the wayfaring souls emerge from white falling snow.  Blue,red and green worn jackets emerge from the cold, night air.   
Mistletoe jumps up.
The wayfaring souls! I must get the rest of the food out, so they won't be disappointed.
Rich man hears the bell on the wreath ring out each time a soul enters the cafe. He remembers the words of Mistletoe.....'One SOUL IS worth more than a world of things!' He realizes he is seeing true riches for the very first time. He watches as each soul finds a place to rest.  He watches as despairing eyes take in hope, as they admire the lovely setting and breath in the savory fare.  The glow of the candles light up all their faces.  He can tell they are relieved to be there. 
A beautiful girl in a red cashmere coat also enters the café.
That smells just like my mum's food!
Rich man
Well, Mistletoe is just finishing up. I'll go get her for you.
When rich man enters the kitchen, Mistletoe is not there, but all the food is laid out and ready.  Holly walks in the kitchen behind him.
You said Mistletoe....that's my mum’s name, but she can’t possibly be here, why, she died last winter.
Rich man
That’s the darndest thing.  She was just here a minute ago.  She was wearing a bright green apron, she had on a a red blouse.  Her eyes were bluest blue and her hair....well, her hair was as white as that snow out there.
Well that sounds like my mum alright, but like I said, she can't possibly be here.
Rich man
Well, the food is all ready, and the people are hungry. What do you say we serve them before it all gets cold.
Well mum always said....we must always be ready to entertain the lonely, and that One SOUL IS worth more than a world of things!

Together, rich man and Holly serve every hungry soul. As the rich man feeds the poor, he finds what he had been lacking in life.....he finds it in the souls of humanity.
Fade out
Play based on MATTHEW 16:21-28; 19:16-26; Luke 12:15-21; the Holy Bible

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